Can I guarantee a Saturday flight or specific dates of travel?

Yes you can. With Inertia, we charge a flat $75 extra per person due at the time of your initial booking to guarantee specific dates / days of departure & arrival. Our standard trips with airfare have (at our discretion) a Friday to Friday, Saturday to Saturday, or Sunday to Sunday departure & arrival for 7 night trips, and a Fri/Sat/Sun/Monday/Tuesday departure is a possibility for 5 night trips. Generally trips go Saturday to Saturday (90%).

Please be aware that if you are booking your own flight, or using frequent flyer miles to add onto a group that does have airfare included with us, and are just purchasing a hotel only package from Inertia, that you need to consider this fact that the rest of your group might not be arriving if you messed up and bought the wrong day.

There are two alternatives to paying the extra fee for guaranteed trip dates as well. #1: Pay a non-refundable initial down payment deposit of $500 instead of the standard $300 if you have flight included at the time you book your trip (this money of course comes off the trip prices listed in our system, and is not an additional fee). #2: Pay in full at the time you book the trip (selecting this option not only guarantees you specific dates of departure, it guarantees you specific departure/arrival times as well).

All South Padre condo only/hotel only land packages check in on Saturdays, excepting our 4 night packages which check in on Saturday, Sunday or Wednesday. Depending. South Padre air-inclusive vacations flight terms like international trips also